Sunday, February 28, 2016

End of February Updates

Hello everyone! Please see below for updates for math...

We are wrapping up our Road Trip projects the beginning of this week. Most students were really excited to be able to pick their own destinations, what vehicle they would take, and what kind of hotel they would stay in. Our next unit will focus on linear functions and other non-proportional relationships.

Intermediate Algebra
We are wrapping up the second part of our parabolas unit this week. Students will take the Parabolas Part 2 Test on Wednesday, March 2 in class. They will be given a review to work on at home Monday.

Intermediate Algebra homework:
Monday (due Tuesday 3/1) Word Problems WS
Monday (due Wednesday 3/2) Parabolas Part 2 Review

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

IA Homework Update

Hi all,

Here is the homework for the end of the week (Wednesday 2/24 and the block day).

Wednesday homework 2/24 (due on block day 2/25 or 2/26)
Holt 9.4 page 637 #10-17, 29-32

Block day homework (due Monday 2/29)
Vertex Form Homework 1 (linked)

Sunday, February 21, 2016

Updates February 21

Hello everyone! Please see below for updates.

We are wrapping up our ratios and proportions unit in the next week or so. For the last activity students are planning a road trip around the United States. They are choosing where they want to go, how many miles it will take, what car they want to use (depending on mileage and cost), and more!

Intermediate Algebra
We are finishing up our first part of our parabolas unit. Students will be testing on this in class on Tuesday, February 23. A link for the review worksheet is below.

Review WS Parabolas Part 1 Test

As always, feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns.
Thank you!

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

IA Update Wednesday, February 17

Hi all. Please see below for an update for Intermediate Algebra.

I was out of the building Friday and Tuesday (students had school off Monday). I made flipped videos for both days so students could get their notes done in class both days. Students also had book work to complete (this is listed below). Students that were absent can watch the video at home and take notes on a plain sheet of paper or get a copy of the notes sheet from me.

Block day 2/11 or 2/12 homework (due Wednesday 2/17): Holt 9.1 page 615 #22-44, 51, 52, 61, 64
Tuesday 2/16 homework (due Wednesday 2/17): Holt 9.2 page 624 #19-32
Wednesday homework (due block day 2/18 or 2/19): Holt 9.3 page 629 #15-26, 28, 30-32

I will be available after school today (Wednesday 2/17) and Thursday 2/18. Students will be taking their Parabolas Part 1 Test on Monday 2/22. As always, please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns.

Thank you!

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Intermediate Algebra Homework & Upcoming Test

Today in class students learned how to factor by grouping. This is the last method students are learning for this unit. We will continue practicing on the block day and  then review on Monday. Students will take the final unit test for Factoring on Tuesday, February 9.

Upcoming homework:
Wednesday homework (due block day): Factoring by Grouping
Review packet (given out on block day, due Tuesday 2/9): Factoring Review WS

I will be available after school Thursday and during lunch Friday for students to come in. Feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns. Thank you!

Monday, February 1, 2016

Intermediate Algebra- Welcome to Quarter 3!

Hi all,

Students in Intermediate Algebra took their semester 2 pre-test today in class. This does not go in the grade book. We will compare student's pre-test score to their post-test score at the end of the year to see how much growth they have made.

Tomorrow we will return to our unit on factoring. We will spend Tuesday reviewing the learning targets we have covered so far and students will have a worksheet to complete as homework (attached below). Wednesday we will learn one last factoring method. We will use the block day to summarize our strategies and continue practicing what we've learned.

Students will take the final unit test on Factoring on Tuesday, February 9. 

Tuesday homework (due Wednesday): Mixed Factoring Practice