Monday, November 30, 2015

Update Monday, November 30

Hi all,

Just a reminder that I will be holding make-up conferences this Thursday, December 3 from 4-7pm. This will be in the library at Edgewood. I was unable to make conferences before Thanksgiving because I was out of town.

Intermediate Algebra
We reviewed all 3 ways to solve a system of equations in class today. Students were supposed to have completed the book work for Holt 6.1, 6.2, and 6.3 by today. I have updated this in the grade book- a lot of students are missing 1 or 2 of the assignments. The test for this unit will be next Monday, December 7 so it is important that students get this missing work taken care of quickly.

Students had a short assignment to complete tonight (it is due tomorrow). It is a worksheet with 10 problems on it. They were given time to start on it in class.

As usual, I am after school Tuesday and Thursday this week. Please feel free to contact me with any questions, comments, or concerns.


Thursday, November 12, 2015

Intermediate Algebra Update Thursday, November 12

Hi all,

We are using the block day this week to wrap up our quizlet learning targets. We will review as a class on Monday, and students will then take the Linear Functions final unit test on Tuesday (November 17).

Students have been given a review packet and it is due at the beginning of class Tuesday. There is a link below for students that need an additional copy.
Linear Functions Review Packet

I will be after school tomorrow (Friday, November 13) for students that need to keep preparing for the test on Tuesday or that want to retake the Functions test from quarter 1. Students only have until Tuesday, November 17 to retake the Functions test and have it go back on their quarter 1 grade.

As always, feel free to contact me with any questions, comments, or concerns!

Sunday, November 1, 2015

End of Quarter 1- Thursday, November 5

Hi everyone. Please see below for updates.

I will not see 7th grade students for Investigations at all this week due to LEC. Grades have been updated. Students are free to make corrections to any worksheet or exit slip they did not get 10/10 on and re-submit them to me. I hold on to most worksheets and exit slips so students need to stop in to see me if they want to do this before the end of the week. I will be after school Tuesday and Thursday (girls will be at school Tuesday and boys will be at school Thursday due to LEC).

Intermediate Algebra
Students will be taking their last big test for the quarter on Tuesday. The topic is Functions. I touched base with all 7th grade students and all are planning to stay after this week to get it done still. Girls have stay back from LEC on Tuesday and will do theirs Tuesday after school. Boys are back from LEC and in school Thursday and will stay after then.

There was a scatterplot worksheet assigned over the weekend. This is due Monday. Students also already have their review worksheet and this is due Tuesday. Grades are updated- please check in on how your student is doing!

As always, please feel free to call or email with any questions. Thanks and happy November!