Tuesday, January 26, 2016

End of Quarter 2 Update

Hi! Please see below for class updates.

Intermediate Algebra
Students are finishing their semester 1 final in class today or tomorrow. This will go on your student's quarter 2 grade. Final grades for quarter 2 should be available early next week. There is no homework over the long weekend. We will start quarter 3 by taking our semester 2 pretest. This is not graded but gives me a chance to see what students may already know about the material. From there we will go back to our Factoring unit and finish that up.

We finished up our data and statistics unit last week and have moved on to ratios and proportions. Our first activity was called "New-trition Info" and we had a lot of good in class discussion. The activity focused on figuring out how many calories different people burn while doing different activities. Then, using that info, students were able to figure out how long it would take those people to burn off different foods. We looked at a McDonald's nutritional information sheet and students were surprised by some of the things on there! Students were also surprised to learn that they burn calories just while sitting!

As always, please check Schoolview to see how your student is doing. Feel free to contact me with any questions, comments, or concerns. Thank you!