Monday, March 28, 2016

Welcome back from spring break!

Hi all! Welcome back from spring break. I hope everyone had a chance to relax and enjoy some down time.

Just a reminder that the end of the quarter is quickly approaching. The last day of quarter 3 is Thursday, April 7. Students in Intermediate Algebra have until the end of the this week (April 1) to retake the Parabolas Part 3 Unit Test (if they want and/or need to). Just a reminder- students have 2 weeks from when an assessment is given to complete a retake. After that, the window closes.

IA Homework (due Tuesday, March 29): Solving Quadratics by Graphing and Factoring

Students in Investigations can always fix any assignments they did not get a 10/10 on and turn them in again for points back.

Please take the time to check your student's grades this week. A handful of students are missing assignments or still have a test or retake to get done. I am after school on Tuesday and Thursday this week. I will also be in for 7th and 8th grade lunch on Friday.

Feel free to contact me via phone or email with any questions or concerns. Thank you!