Wednesday, April 27, 2016

IA Update

Hi all,

A reminder that students will be taking their Exponential Functions unit test on Tuesday, May 3. Students will get a review packet for this test in class on the block day. I've also attached a link below if your student needs another copy.

I will be out of school Thursday, April 28 and Friday, April 29. Students will watch a video on a chromebook ("Intro to Square Root Functions") and take notes on their own paper. From there they will have independent practice time and will end class with an exit slip.

Exponential Functions Review Packet (due Tuesday, May 3)

I've encouraged students to email me if they have any questions while I am gone or over the weekend. Please feel free to contact me as well with any questions or concerns.

Thank you!
Ms. Miller

Thursday, April 14, 2016

Intermediate Algebra Updates Thursday, April 14

Hello all! Please see below for updates for Intermediate Algebra this week.

We finished up our Solving Quadratics Unit this week. Students started their test on Tuesday and finished in class on Wednesday (I was out sick on Wednesday). I will get these in the grade book by the end of the night on Thursday. We are beginning our unit on Exponential Functions this week. Next week we will be pausing to take our MCAs.

Some notes for the MCA:
-Students will be taking the MCA in class Tuesday, April 19 thru Friday, April 22.
-Students do not need to bring any math binders, folders, or textbooks to class during this time.
-Students need to either leave their cell phone in their locker OR turn it in to "cell phone day care" when they get to class (same goes for any other technology like ipods or kindles). They can bring a book to read if they finish early that day or can quietly draw.
-Please do your best to ensure your child gets a good nights sleep and has a good breakfast. This is your child's time to show what they have learned and it is important that they do their very best!

Homework this week:
Wednesday (due block day 4/14 or 4/15)
Holt 11.1 page 793 #17-31
Block day (due Monday 4/18)
Holt 11.2 page 800 #18-27, 35, 37

Thank you! Please contact me with any questions or concerns.

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Update week of April 4

Hello everyone and welcome to the last week of quarter 3! I will be updating grades regularly throughout the week and plan to submit grades by Friday evening at the latest.

Intermediate Algebra
We are continuing to practice solving quadratics with a variety of strategies. Students will take their final unit test on Solving Quadratics on Tuesday, April 12 (it will go on the quarter 4 grade).

Monday (due block day 4/6 or 4/7)
Mixed Practice WS Solving Quadratics
Block day homework (due Tuesday, April 12)
Review Packet Solving Quadratics

As always, please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns.
thank you!