Friday, December 4, 2015

Update Friday, December 4

Hello! Please see below for what we are doing in Intermediate Algebra (IA) and Investigations.

Intermediate Algebra
We spent the block day this week reviewing for our Systems of Equations and Linear Inequalities test. Students will be taking this on Monday in class. Our next unit is a quick review of exponents. We will spend about a week on it then we will begin learning about polynomials!

Students have a review packet to complete over the weekend. A pdf is linked below if your student lost theirs or forgot to bring it home. Please encourage your students to email me over the weekend if there are any problems they are struggling with.
Review for Systems Test

We finished our unit on Solving Equations and are moving into Data and Statistics. We started our first activity- called "Piling on a Penny" this week. Students are looking at how many drops of water a penny can hold. We will then be analyzing the data together next week.

Hope to see some of you at Breakfast with Santa this Sunday at Edgewood. Have a great weekend!