Wednesday, December 2, 2015

IA Update Wednesday, December 2

Hello everyone!

Today in Intermediate Algebra we are continuing our practice with systems of inequalities. We are focusing on graphing and setting up inequalities to represent and solve word problems.

Students were given a yellow worksheet yesterday as homework that is due on the block day. An extra copy is attached below.
Linear Inequalities Homework

Our unit test is still scheduled for Monday, December 7. Students will get their review packet in class on the block day. I am encouraging students to stay after to work on any missing work, retakes, and to just be proactive in their learning. I will be after school again on Thursday.

Here is some IXL that may help students review for the upcoming test (not required but encouraged):
Algebra 1
Any of the T's
U1, U2, U3, U8, U9, U10, U11

Thank you!