Friday, September 11, 2015

End of the first week!

Hi all! Please see below for updates regarding IA (intermediate algebra) and Investigations. A syllabus was sent home with each student (for both classes). A lot of students have already returned their syllabus after looking at it with a parent/guardian and getting it signed. Please encourage your student to do this if they haven't yet. You can find an extra copy of either syllabus on this website.

Intermediate Algebra:
We have had a busy week! On day 1 students got introduced to the class, did an activity with the syllabus, and contributed to our "back to school questions" wall. On Thursday and Friday students took the semester 1 pretest. This pretest is not graded; it is a way for me to see where students are at. We will spend some time in the beginning of next week talking about habits of mind, and will then move into our first unit (data and statistics). No other homework has been assigned yet.

Classes have been great so far! I see students twice a week, following our A/B schedule. I saw my "B" day students once. We spent that first day going through the syllabus and filling out "all about me" sheets so I can get to know them. I got to see my "A" day students twice. We spent our first day the same way as the B day students. The second day (Friday) we did two different activities- one where students had to try to spell out the word "fly" from pieces and another where they were given a bag of materials and had to make the longest creation possible. It was a lot of fun!

***I also wanted to mention that auditions are being held for the school play next Monday and Tuesday. There are a variety of roles that need to be filled. We will also need students to help build and create the set! I will be helping Wednesdays after school with this. Encourage your students to get involved. Feel free to call or email me with any questions. We are also looking for parent volunteers to help throughout!***