Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Intermediate Algebra Tuesday, September 22

Hello all! Today in Intermediate Algebra we spent time summarizing everything we have learning about analyzing and describing data. A lot of students are becoming more familiar with all the new vocabulary we are learning (skewed left, skewed right, bimodal, standard deviation) which is great. I am excited to see what students do for their partner project and how their data turns out.

Tuesday 9/22 Homework (due Wednesday)

Tomorrow will our last day learning about data, and it will be a short discussion on misleading graphs. Students will then have time to work on their partner project. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions regarding the project!

***There are some students that need to retake the Cycle 1 Formative Assessment. Just a reminder that students have 2 weeks from Monday (the day the formative assessment was returned) to complete the retake. This gives students until October 5. I am after school Tuesdays and Thursdays and am available some days during lunch.***