Friday, September 18, 2015

End of week 2; Friday September 18

Hello everyone!

Intermediate Algebra Updates
We have been working hard on our data & statistics unit. Students have learned about collecting and displaying both categorical and numerical data. They have also learned about (and been practicing) describing data in terms of shape, center, spread, and outliers. There will not be a unit test- instead students will be completing a partner project for their final unit grade. Students will work in groups of 2 or 3, will pose their own experiment, collect data, and then analyze it. Each group will be giving a short (2 minute) presentation. I've advised students to pick a partner they trust and work well with, as they will receive the same grade as their partner. Depending on time, we will be doing this at the end of next week or the beginning of the following week.

As an FYI, I do track student completion of homework and this can be viewed in Schoolview. Students are required to stay after if they have 2 or more missing assignments. Most students are doing great with homework completion this far and have been very responsible. A lot of students have been willing to answer questions and share their opinions which is wonderful!

Investigations Update
We have continued our activities that focus on building our group work skills. There are 2 grades for students that should now show up on Schoolview. Both were reflections for completed activities. The majority of students did well. If students lost points it was generally because they did not write in complete sentences or they did not answer the questions entirely.

As always, please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns. Have a great weekend!