Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Intermediate Algebra Wednesday, September 23

Hello all!

We finished all of our notes on data and statistics today! Our last topic was on misleading graphs.  A lot of students chimed in to share their opinions and we had some great contributions. Students had the last 20 minutes of class to finalize their topic for their group project. Students are working in groups of 2 or 3 and posed a question that will provide them with numerical data. Most students need to get some data taken outside of the classroom (they need 40 data points total) and need to have this taken by Thursday/Friday (whenever their block day is). We will use the block day to analyze our data and make our presentations. At this point I am planning on students presenting on Monday.

Students will be taking their second concept quiz on data and statistics Thursday/Friday. It will be in the grade book by the weekend.

Let me know if you have any questions. Thanks!